In the 70's a group of Whistler skiers got together and formed the Inside Edge Club as a way of sharing their passion. Sadly, Winter ended so they turned their energy to other activities – hiking, cycling, camping, softball, volleyball, dinners, dances and more. It turned into a Greater Vancouver sports and social club – a way to make new friends and have fun.
The Annual General Meeting is Thursday March 6th at 7:00 pm to be held using Zoom.
This meeting is for members in good standing only. If there are any Executive positions to be elected, it will take place at this time. You will receive an email inviting you to register in advance for the meeting. Please register by Thursday March 6 at 4pm. Once the meeting starts it will be busy and I may miss your registration.
Join a few Inside Edgers on a private group tour of Tanzania, Africa.
Here is the list of scheduled activities. More activities are on the Inside Edge Facebook page.
If you're interesting organizing an activity then contact the appropriate manager (Socials, Sports, Tours or Lodge) to get the ball rolling.
Only members in good standing may attend. Once again this meeting will be online using the Zoom Webinar platform.
You'll be sent an email with an information package and a link to register for this event. You'll then receive your confirmation email and meeting link. Please register by Thursday March 6th at 4pm. Once the meeting starts it will be busy and I may miss your registration.
It's the second Thursday in March because you'll be at the AGM on March 6th.
Happy Hour from 3-6pm so come a little early for cocktails and appies. They have an extensive menu of great food and drink at great prices. Click here to see it all! (Please note that the date on the file name is the last version of the menu)
Thanks to Linda P for hosting.
Thanks to all who gave input on the camping questions. The club has decided the first trip will be during the week of June 22 – 28 2025 and the campground will be Herald Provincial Park. There are three campgrounds in the park next to each other, but we suggest the Reinecker Campground.
You must book your own site for however many days you’d like.
Join us at the Renfrew Community Centre for Sunday volleyball.
All skill levels are welcome to play. No need to sign up. Teams are formed at the beginning of each night. If you, or your skills are rusty, come out and play to get back in the groove.
All skill levels are welcome to play. No need to sign up. Teams are formed at the beginning of each night. If you, or your skills are rusty, come out and play to get back in the groove.
Come out and try your hand at a riveting game of Pickleball, the new sport that is growing rapidly in popularity! No need to sign up. The club can provide you with a pickleball racquet, as well as balls and birdies.